Monday, October 7, 2013

Ragnarok Online 2 Brings Noel Race on Sep 11st

WarpPortal announced to release an update called 'Noel' for Ragnarok Online 2 on Sep 11st. Noel is the first playable non-human race in franchise history. The race starts off as Alters. When reach level 25, players can choose to become Crecentia or Soul Makers.
Ragnarok Online 2 Noel
"The new options for both looks and play-style options is what I'm most looking forward to," states Jason "Heimdallr" Koerperich, "cute immortal devil-elf children wielding death magic, with a beautiful and tragic story; what's not to love?"
Alters are known to use melee attack skills as well as area ranged attacks. Their special abilities include debuffing enemies, various curse skills including those that increase damage over time (dot), and ways to decrease power of or amplify damage done on enemies.
Ragnarok Online 2 Noel
Crecentia are able to use all Alter skills, and can be very powerful. They can perform long range skills as well as do area melee damage through using area of effect (AoE) attack and debuff skills. Some of their unique abilities include using chain skills for AoE attacks and various action control skills that can increase movement speed or decrease an enemy’s abilities. They also have Deluge which not only increases their own abilities, but also those from their party members.
Ragnarok Online 2 Noel
Soul Makers are not able to use Alter skills, because they have their own set of skills that include healing capabilities and strengthening buffs by linking with different objects. Some of their special abilities include providing buffs and healing to themselves and their parties, using Deluge to increase the power of their skills, and debuffing the skills of their enemies while increasing their own movement speed.
Ragnarok Online 2 Noel
Many events are planned to celebrate the release of Noel. Check them out at official site!

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